[Python] 调取MYSQL数据并插入到CSV文件
如何利用python脚本将远程数据库查询值,并将该值按照csv中"column A"对应关系整体插入到"column B",最近handle了一个case,联想到python天生对数据处理较shell有明显的优势,最后尝试用脚本搞定这个看起来逻辑很简单,但又不简单的data processing.
column A 是DB内存储的若干Project name,需要通过查询数据库,获取这些project name在DB对应的Project key的具体值,并插入column A后保存.
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 import MySQLdb import csv import sys # Define csv list Csv_content = [] Csv_content_edited = [] # Define project list Project_names = [] # Define db list Db_content = [] # Define the file that needs to be handled. try: file_name = sys.argv[1] new_file_name = file_name.split('.')[0] + '_new.' + file_name.split('.')[1] except IndexError: pass def selectDB(): # Open db connection db = MySQLdb.connect("test.com", "testuser", "testuser", "testdb") # Use cursor() fuction to get current db cursor cursor = db.cursor() Csv_content_edited = readContent(file_name) for c in range(1,len(Csv_content_edited)): Project_names.append(Csv_content_edited[c][0]) Project_name_string = ",".join(['"' + p + '"' for p in Project_names]) # SQL "SELECT" statement sql = 'select pname,pkey from project where pname in (%s)' %Project_name_string try: # Execute SQL cursor.execute(sql) # Obtain all the record list results = cursor.fetchall() for row in results: #lower_user_name = row[3] Db_content.append(row) return Db_content except: print "Error: unable to fecth data" # Close connection db.close() def readContent(file_name): # Read the csv file,then put it into list. with open(file_name, 'r') as csvfile: csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in csv_reader: if row[0]: Csv_content.append(row) return Csv_content def insert_col(): Csv_content_edited = readContent(file_name) # Insert null value to each components of "Csv_content_edited" afterward. for i in range(0,len(Csv_content_edited)): Csv_content_edited[i].insert(1,'') # Define the second inserted column title. Csv_content_edited[0][1] = "Pkey" # Grab the users data from db. Db_content = selectDB() # print Db_content for d in range(0,len(Db_content)): Pkey = Db_content[d][1] Pname = Db_content[d][0] for c in range(0,len(Csv_content_edited)): if Csv_content_edited[c][0] == Pname: Csv_content_edited[c][1] = Pkey # print Csv_content_edited pname_list = [] Csv_content_edited_new = [] for c in range(0,len(Csv_content_edited)): if not Csv_content_edited[c][0] in pname_list: pname_list.append(Csv_content_edited[c][0]) Csv_content_edited_new.append(Csv_content_edited[c]) # print Csv_content_edited_new return Csv_content_edited_new # Write the csv file. def writeContent(): with open(new_file_name,'wb') as csvfile: csv_writer = csv.writer(csvfile) csv_writer.writerows(insert_col()) # Execute the finnal function. if __name__ == '__main__': try: writeContent() except (IOError,NameError,IndexError): print "Please type the correct file name. e.g: '" + sys.argv[0] + " testfile.csv'" else: print 'The result file is: %s' %new_file_name
Before the change:
after the change: